
When Practice Is a Challenge

There are many great articles and websites about how great yoga makes you feel and all the wonderful health benefits of having a yoga practice but there are few articles on how to handle your practice when it becomes challenging to stay motivated and how to stick with it when perhaps you 'just don't feel like it.' There will be days, weeks, maybe even months you might feel like you are stuck in a 'yoga rut' or you feel yourself hitting the same wall over and over. This is a totally natural feeling everyone comes up against it sooner or later.

These are the times when all it is time to listen to what your practice has taught you. It is easy to keep practicing when it feels great and is easy, but when life gets tough sometimes we don't want to face what is really bothering us. When you are really practicing your yoga you will come up against these things and you have the opporunity to (little by little) work through them.

When challenges arise in my practice there are certain things I like to keep in mind:

1) It will pass, like everything else in life this feeling is not permanent.
2) Listen to what is happening, if you ignore and avoid it will continue to come back and haunt you. You may learn some amazing things about yourself.
3) Your time on your mat is the perfect time to explore, if you need to cry, then cry, if you need to laugh then laugh- sometimes you just have to let it out.
4) In the words of Guruji: "Just do your practice, all is coming." I really can't sum it up any better than that.

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