As many of you know, last week my husband and I drove up to Seattle with everything we own and our cat. After 3 long days on the road it was time for some serious yoga to help relieve all the tension that had built up from sitting still in a car for about 20 hours. This little mini sequence helped to get the energy flowing again:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent, hands on belly to get centered and slow down your breathing.
- Hug your knees into your chest (appanasana) to lengthen and release tension in the lower back.
- Take a simple twist from here, arms out to either side, both knees to one side, head to the other. Releases the shoulders and upper back as well as the outer hips which can get tight after sitting in a car.
- Come up to hands and knees and take at least 5 rounds of cat's breath to loosen the shoulders and thoracic spine area.
- Press back into Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) to stretch the hamstrings, open the shoulders and release the neck.
- Shift forward to plank pose and lower to the floor, take at least 1 round of cobra and an upward dog if it is part of your practice to open the heart.
- Come onto your back and take a few rounds of bridge pose to release the hip flexors and lengthen the front of the body.
- Open the hips with thread the needle on your back.
- One more simple twist just like the one you took at the beginning.
- Rest for at least 5 minutes in Savasana or take the legs of the wall for Vipariti Karani.
Peace and Light,
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