This blog will be changing format a bit in the next few weeks- if you are looking for my current teaching schedule click the 'teachings and events' tab at the top of the page. Thanks!
For the past week or so I've been immersed in Max Strom's book "A Life Worth Breathing." Max helped open Exhale Center for Sacred Movement (before it was Exhale) in Los Angeles and is a teacher I have never had the pleasure of practicing with but he has always been on my radar. He teaches in Portland often and I hope to make it his next workshop. His book is simply lovely- touching on asana, meditation and pranayama and exploring the intentions behind the practice and where the true inner transformation comes into our lives. Here is a short quote- there are lots of great ones but what I really love about his writings and from what I hear how he teaches is the non attachment to the outcome of the pose itself- he is all about the process and what it can bring:
For the past week or so I've been immersed in Max Strom's book "A Life Worth Breathing." Max helped open Exhale Center for Sacred Movement (before it was Exhale) in Los Angeles and is a teacher I have never had the pleasure of practicing with but he has always been on my radar. He teaches in Portland often and I hope to make it his next workshop. His book is simply lovely- touching on asana, meditation and pranayama and exploring the intentions behind the practice and where the true inner transformation comes into our lives. Here is a short quote- there are lots of great ones but what I really love about his writings and from what I hear how he teaches is the non attachment to the outcome of the pose itself- he is all about the process and what it can bring:
"If practicing postures until we are super strong and flexible were enough to make us into masters of life, then people would be flocking to the athletes in Cirque du Soleil to seek spiritual advice, as almost no one is more advanced in gymnastics than they... But are Cirque du Soleil gymnasts known for having attained spiritual enlightenment?...Postures alone do not necessarily tranform us spiritually, unless one is driven by an intention to tranform inwardly-"
Upcoming Workshops:
Celebrate the return of Spring with an afternoon of uplifting yoga. These 2 hour workshops will focus on heart opening backbends and twists to 'spring clean' our bodies, mind and souls. We will explore asana, meditation, chanting and pranayama to welcome in this beautiful time of year.
Saturday, April 21st at Discover Yoga, Redmond, WA, 1-3pm *last chance! Sign up now!
I'm on my second read through of this book, and I love it, too. I carry it around always and refer to it a lot lately. It's well on it's way to becoming marked up and well-worn. Sooo many juicy gems in there that make you want to read and re-read in order to have them really integrate. We saw him when he was in town a couple months ago and he and his workshops are fantastic. He's a gentle giant sort of guy, and so gifted and humble with his offerings, unlike many yoga "master teachers/gurus" these days. I will see him whenever he is in town or close by.