
Going Deeper

There are challenges in our lives that we may never see coming- nothing in life is permanent- plans change- we become attached to things without even realizing how attached we are until it is taken away from us.  These things all effect us beyond the psychological level- they effect our bodies- how we move and breath in the world.  Last weekend I was lucky enough to workshop with Claudia Welch.  The workshop was mostly about women's health and we spent a lot of time on the topic of prana.  When prana is flowing easily we are in synch with life- healthy- vibrant and able to cope with what life throws at us. When prana gets stuck- either over time through habits or due to a stressful situation- we get stagnation.  This stagnation can cause pain, feeling of sadness or depression, and even health problems.

Lucky for all of us- there are ways to get prana moving! Yoga and meditation give us an opportunity to get in touch with our bodies, see where things may feel a bit stuck and get them moving.  So, as you roll our your mat over the next week, pay attention- what are you needing from your practice, where- in your body or your life, are you feeling stuck?  Your time on your mat is a safe time to explore those places, to breath deeper and to learn to move forward.

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